Life can sure get hectic, and sometimes, as a blogger, you may not have the time or even the photography skills necessary to take stunning, high-quality photos for your blog.Today I wanted to share with you my favorite sites with free photos for the blog posts.
Free Photos for Your Blog Posts
When I'm looking for photos I usually go to places I know.Below you will find my top three sites that I visit almost every day.
Unsplashis a chuck full of stunning high-resolution images.These images are free to download and you cando whatever you want with them.You can peruse all of their gorgeous photos or you can narrow your search by category.Ten new photos are added every ten days.
If I really need some specyfic free photos for blog posts and I can't find them on the sites above (what doesn't happen foten) I visit one of those five links:
One of the most popular sites with free stock photos.I definitely recommend checking it out if you do not know it yet.
Looking for food-related photos?It is a perfect place for you.
Modern looking site with unique photos.
On this site, you will find both free photos and those that require attribution, so make sure to check the license of the image you want to use.
Great idea for the site.You will find here travel photos that are free to use.Make sure to buy the author a coffee if you will find his site helpful.
If you are still looking for more, below are other sites with free stock photos that will be perfect for blog posts.I do not use them, but since I keep the list, just in case, I thought it is a great moment to share it with you.
#9 Foca Stock–https://focastock.com/
#10 Startup Stock Photos–https://startupstockphotos.com/
#11 Pixjumbo–https://picjumbo.com/
#12 Gratisography–http://www.gratisography.com/
#13 Little Visuals–http://littlevisuals.co/
#14 Free Images–https://www.freeimages.com/
#15 Stock Snap–https://stocksnap.io/
#16 Realistic Shots–http://realisticshots.com/
#17 Cupcake–http://cupcake.nilssonlee.se/
#18 Skitter Photo–http://skitterphoto.com/
#19 Kaboompics–http://kaboompics.com/
#20 Stockcake (AI Generated)–https://stockcake.com/
I hope that this post will help you with finding free photos for your blog posts.If you know, any other sites that offer high-resolution stock photos, share them with us in the comments!
More the merrier!Websites like these are great for website designers, who are spared lots of hard-work by not having to create images themselves by getting hold of these royalty free images.
These images are gorgeous!A new era of stock for sure, it's about time!Thanks for sharing.
This is great!I only knew about morguefile.Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for this post.It's has really been helpful.I have been searcing for such sites as buying stock photos online is really costly.Thanks again!!!Now I can have beautiful graphics for my posts!!!
Thank you for sharing this.Your blog and designs are beautiful.Thank you
You guys are the best thing since marriage for me, every time I receive a new post I know it's something that will add value to my life.
Thank you…
Thank you for sharing these!While I do most of my own photography, stock photos are great for some of my articles.Such as "How to Measure Ingredients: Everything you need to know." I really didn't want to spend the time gathering ingredients from my kitchen, arranging them, then taking a fantastic photo when I knew some photographer had already done a better one!
Anyway, 3 of these were new to me, and I look forward to using them.
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